We are excited to partner with you and help instill a love for Christ and learning in your child(ren). Promise Land serves children from infant to 5 years. You can choose between full-time child care and part-time programs for two, three, or five days per week.
Preschoolers wishing to enroll in our pre-kindergarten class must be at least 4 years old and planning to attend kindergarten the following year. We base class placement for each of our programs on age and the developmental needs of the individual child.
Once enrollment of a classroom has reached its maximum, we begin adding to the classroom’s waiting list. To be placed on our waiting list, we do require that you take a tour through our facility first. We know that choosing a childcare facility is an important decision, and want to ensure it is a good fit for your family. We book tours through our center on Tuesdays through Thursdays between 9:30 - 11 am.
For enrollment availability and inquires, please fill out our contact form.